5 HOA Holiday Decorating Rules to Enforce

5 HOA Holiday Decorating Rules to Enforce

Are you aware that decorating for the holidays can lift your mood? It can give your body a hit of dopamine. It can also add a dash of nostalgia.

That's why you shouldn't prevent those in your community from putting up lights. However, it is okay to put certain HOA holiday decorating restrictions in place.

For example, noisy holiday decorations could prevent homeowners in your HOA community from sleeping. Large rooftop displays are attention-grabbing but can be dangerous when installed inappropriately.

To keep up with aesthetics, some HOAs will only allow homeowners to put up certain colored lights. Continue reading to learn more.

1. Noise

Homeowners that like to go all out for the holidays may purchase singing Santas or Halloween decorations that make loud lighting cracks.

These decorations have their place, but they can be disruptive. If homeowners kept them going until ten at night, they could keep their neighbors awake.

HOA regulations don't have to ruin the fun of those with noisy decorations. All you have to do is require them to turn them off at specific times.

2. Size

Large rooftop reindeer displays are eye-catching, but as stated above, they're also dangerous. They could slip off the roof and hurt someone.

Twenty-foot Santas may not fit in aesthetically with the rest of the neighborhood. Inflatables are often seen as tacky.

3. Color

When it comes to HOA holiday decorations, consistency is everything. Board members may prefer for all homeowners to have similarly colored lights.

Some communities restrict homeowners from having anything but yellow and white lights.

They also prevent people from putting up lights that are too bright. Like noisy decorations, loud lights could become a nuisance to the rest of the neighborhood.

4. Timing

Again, decorating for the holidays makes homeowners happy. They're eager to put their lights and Christmas trees up.

Your HOA board will have to decide when it's too early to start decorating and how long homeowners can have their lights up after the holidays. Timing varies from association to association.

It may feel strange to put HOA regulations on such a thing, but it prevents homeowners from keeping their decorations up until summer. Such a thing would throw off the curb appeal of the entire neighborhood.

5. Indecent Images

Your neighborhood has an impression to maintain. That means your HOA association should ban any obscene or offensive decorations.

That doesn't mean it's necessary to prevent Halloween decor from being spooky, but it shouldn't be gory.

Of course, your marketing will tell homeowners what you expect when it comes to graphic images.

HOA Holiday Decorating Rules You Should be Enforcing

The holidays are a time of joy. Allowing homeowners to decorate will help spread happiness around your neighborhood.

However, your board should put HOA holiday decorating rules in place. Doing so will prevent homeowners from keeping their lights up until July or installing twenty-foot inflatable Santas.

Of course, managing decorating restrictions can be a chore. Schedule a consult, to find out what PMI property management can do for you.
